Web / App

Neuro Divergent App

This is an app created to help Neuro Divergent people discover and share learning methods. To start users would take a quiz to discover what learning methods might be right for them. The app would then tell them the type of learner they are and suggest learning methods. Users could try those methods out and decide if they work for them or not. The methods are presented in game form. The app is fully accessible an example of a few of the features is audio for each page, so it can be read and describe to users. It offers customization when it comes to text sizes and color schemes.


The Extinction Club App

This is an app for a speculative restaurant of the future. It only serves extinct flora and fauna grown in a lab. The app walkthrough shows the landing page and introduction. Users must enter an online lottery system in the app to get invited to the dinner. Then If a user is invited they receive an invitation in the mail. The day of the dinner the user would open the app and enter the coordinates from the invitation. They would then follow the digital compass to find the restaurant. At the dinner, if you point the camera at a physical menu Augmented Reality would be activated and the menu item would pop up in 3D and more information about the plant or animal would be revealed.

National Parks Wildlife App

I designed and illustrated this app. It is an app where you can see what wildlife lives in each of the National Parks in the United States. Users can select a park then select an animal or type of animal and find out more information about that animal. Each park has a different color scheme that echoes the environment.

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Luxury Condo Website

This is a concept for a website for a luxury condominium building in Washington, DC called Maple View Flats.


Failing Our Kids Website

This is a website is showing statistics about how the US Education system is failing children and not preparing them for the future. The page used parrallaxing so each chart would fill in as the page scrolled down.


Lore Podcast Website

This was a concept for redesigning the podcast Lore's website. The challenge was to create a website that reflect the mystery and darkness present in the stories told by the author. As you scroll and hover different items are concealed and revealed to reflect the mystery within many of the stories. The typeface chosen is uncomfortable to reflect the content of the stories. The episode cards mimic tarot cards since many of the stories deal with the occult.

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Consulting Company Website

This concept is for a website for a consulting company called Altus Consulting in Washington DC. They deal primarily with the technology sector. The colors and design elements were chosen to pair with other materials they had produced.



